Урок-соревнование в форме  встречи в  КВН для  9 класса.

Education  brings a child the world.



познавательный аспект - знакомство с городами Соединенных Королевств

Великобритании и Северной Ирландии (г. Кэмбридж), с системой

образования Великобритании;

развивающий аспект - развитие творческих возможностей, способности к

сравнению, развитие воображения, развитие способности к распределению


воспитательный аспект - формирование потребности в коллективной работе,

воспитание положительного отношения к учебе;

учебный аспект - совершенствование речевых умений и навыков;

сопутствующая задача - скрытый контроль уровня развития речевых умений.


Звучат позывные КВН. Учитель – ведущий начинает урок.

T.: Dear girls and boys! Welcome to the Club of the Merry and the Quick-witted! The theme of today's lesson is 'Education brings a child the world'. This is Team 1 .Stand up, please! The captain of the team is PI. This is Team 2. Stand up, please! The captain of the team is P2. You may sit down! Let's begin our competition.


T.: Education is important, isn't it?

PI. : Certainly.

P2.:Of course.

P3.: I'm sure of it.

P4.: You're quite right!

T.: There are a lot of sayings about education and knowledge. a)Match the two

halves of the sentences to make the quotations complete:

1. The roots of education are bitter,         a) royal road to learning.(a proverb)

2. There is no                                         b) there are short cuts to knowledge.(Bertrand     


3. Pupils must not be encouraged to         c) but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle)

 think that

4.Few things are impossible                 d) is the only road to knowledge.

                                                                     (George Bernard Shaw)

5. Knowledge                                          e) to diligence and skill. (Samuel


6. Activity                                                f) is power.

Key: 1-c; 2-a; 3-b; 4-e; 5-f; 6-d.

b) Explain how you understand these sayings.


T.: Answer the questions and score points.

1. What types of school are there in Britain?

About 93% of all children are educated in state schools and the rest attend private schools. At the age 5- 11 schoolchildren attend a primary school. At the age of 11 students transfer to secondary school. 'Comprehensive' means all-inclusive. They admit pupils of all abilities.There are also 'grammar schools' and 'secondary modern schools'. The pupils have to pass an exam to go there.

2. What types of schools does primary school include?

In fact primary school consists of a reception class, infant school and junior school. A reception class and infant school take a year. In junior school pupils spend 5 years.

3. What age do children start school?

In Britain children start school at the age of 4-5.

4. Do all children go to nursery school or kindergarten?

No, they are optional.

5. When do pupils leave school?

Pupils leave school at the age of 16 and there are several opportunities to continue there studies elsewhere.

6. Can pupils graduate from school earlier?

No, children must by law receive education between the ages of 4-5 and 16.

7. What is the 6-th form?

More ambitious pupils continue to study in the 6-th form. They stay on at school for one or two years to prepare themselves for university.

8. Are there any of out-of class activities in British schools?

All kinds of out-of-class activities are part of school life in Britain. Students have a lot of opportunities for playing sports, attending different clubs ( for example, Book Club, Math Club, Chess Club, etc.) and singing in a choir. Most schools have very good libraries which students use for reference work.

9. What subgects are taught?

Pupils in all state schools in England and Wales study 10 main subjects (in Scotland and Nothern Ireland, the education system is a little different).


Religious education is also taught.


10. What is GCSE?


GCSE exams are the most important examinations in British schools. Pupils sit the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams at the end of the 5-years' course. They usually take as many subjects as possible. Weak  pupils may only sit for 3 or 4 subjects whilst better students will take 10 subjects. Consequently pupils in Britain leave school at the age of 16 with examination certificates in the individual subjects they have passed.


11. Which level is the main standard for entrance to university or other higher education?


A-levels or a mixture of A- and AS- levels are the main standard for entrance to university or other higher education.




T.: Work in pairs. Act out a conversation with your classmate(s) about your school life. Ask each other questions to find out:

a) -what you like about school life;

-how you get along with your classmates;

-what your favourite subjects at school are;

-what your hobbies are;

-whether you find studying easy.


b)-which subjects s/he is particularly interested in and why;

-whether s/he is always satisfied with the results of his/ her work and      


-what may make him/ her feel disappointed with the results sometimes;

-whether s/he always copes with the subjects s/he studies;

-what difficulties s/he may sometimes have;

-what s/he does to improve his/ her skills.


Use Conversational Formulas.




Reading comprehention.

Ex.2 p. 147

 В.П. Кузовлев и др. Счастливый английский. Учебник английского языка для 9 класса общеобразовательных  учреждений.



T.: And what about you? Do your teachers encourage you? Who can you turn for help to when you have problems?